About the company

  • USD 1B revenue 
  • 3500+ employees
  • 15,000+ customers
  • 80+ complex ERP products
  • 600+ support representatives



Accelerate support with Generative AI

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AI Accelerates Complex Customer Support for ERP Software Giant

Discover how a leading ERP software provider leveraged generative AI to automate complex product support, streamline operations, and deliver superior customer experiences at scale.


  • Train on 5+ years historical Salesforce cases and knowledge base articles
  • Train on 1000s of product manuals and documentation across Sharepoint and websites
  • Deliver instant human-like responses to customer queries based on training data
  • Show citations and relevance scores used to generate the answer
  • Access to instant answers from within Teams channels
  • Access to full case context and suggestions inside Salesforce.
  • Improve data quality of existing cases and and other knowledge sources
  • Mask all PII, confidential and sensitive data from all knowledge sources
  • Automatically triage incoming requests and create relevant Salesforce cases
  • Continuously track performance and identify areas for improvement


A leading enterprise software provider serving manufacturers and distributors faced mounting challenges in scaling its customer support operations. With a vast portfolio of complex, industry-specific ERP products and a rapidly expanding client base, the company’s 600+ support representatives struggled to provide prompt and accurate resolutions.

The key obstacles included:

  1. Overwhelming volume of technical inquiries requiring extensive research across thousands of siloed knowledge sources, product manuals, and historical cases.
  2. Time-consuming and error-prone manual processes leading to longer resolution times and diminished customer satisfaction.
  3. Unsustainable financial burden of hiring and training additional support staff to maintain service levels as the customer base grew.
  4. Lack of a centralized and up-to-date knowledge repository, hindering access to the most relevant information.

The company recognized the pressing need to transform its customer support operations through innovative technology. The company sought a solution that could streamline processes, enhance efficiency, provide instant access to relevant knowledge, and empower support teams to deliver superior customer experiences while controlling operational costs and maintaining a competitive edge.


To address these mounting challenges, the company turned to Enjo AI's cutting-edge generative AI solution designed specifically for customer support automation. Enjo's ability to harness vast knowledge repositories, provide highly accurate response generation, and offer customizable capabilities tailored to the company’s unique needs made it the ideal choice.

Through a collaborative effort between Enjo's customer success team and the company’s subject matter experts, the implementation process was swift and seamless. Within a single day, Enjo was configured and deployed to an initial cohort of customer service specialists.

Over 2M documents from various sources, including Salesforce case feeds, knowledge bases, and SharePoint repositories, were meticulously uploaded and indexed into the Enjo platform. To optimize search performance and response accuracy, the team implemented custom prompts and conducted rigorous quality testing, ensuring optimal response behavior.

Rigorous testing demonstrated Enjo's robust delivery of relevant answers with citations. In the first month, Enjo handled over 5,000 queries, widely adopted by the company’s specialists. Leveraging Enjo slashed information retrieval time by 80%, empowering consultative support and efficient case handling. This AI-driven solution enhanced customer satisfaction while optimizing operational costs and positioning the company for sustainable growth through streamlined processes.



Reduction in time required to access information


Documents integrated into knowledge source

80 agents

Volume of work performed by copilot


Customer support requests accelerated per year

Accelerate support with Generative AI

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AI Accelerates Complex Customer Support for ERP Software Giant

Discover how a leading ERP software provider serving manufacturers and distributors leveraged Enjo AI to automate customer support. Cut information retrieval time by 80%+ and handle 200K+ requests yearly.

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